Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Baby Photography Watford

I wanted to share some photos from a recent New Baby Session. These were taken at home which is relaxing for mum and baby. I was keen to get some lovely sleepy shots of the baby looking all curled up and peaceful but this little fella was having none of it and stayed wide awake the whole time smiling and even, despite being only 8 weeks old, looking like he was going to try and crawl away! Here are a few of my personal favourites - hope you like them.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Baby and Toddler Groups - Northwood - BaaBaa Babies

I'm often asked to take pictures at baby and toddler groups. I love doing this as the pictures are really natural and celebrate some of the time that Mum and Baby get to spend together doing fun things with other Mums and Babies. Often the children stay friends for a long time through these groups as do the Mums! BaaBaa Babies is a great group run throughout Herts and Middlesex where babies can learn signing and enjoy musical and sensory activities. Classes are birth to 5 years and "Stimulate Little Minds, Exercise Little Bodies and Are Fun For All" - have a look at There were lots of great shots of the kids enjoying themselves - here is a small selection.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Outdoor Family Photos - Cassiobury Park, Watford

With Christmas fast approaching I'm doing lots of family shoots to provide gifts in particular for Grandparents. I'm often asked to do pictures of groups of cousins so all the grandchildren are together in a picture. Here are a few examples from a recent shoot that featured nine children - all related in various ways. We managed to get a window of weather in an otherwise rain-filled weekend to get some outdoor shots in the park. Both the older and the younger children had a great deal of fun at the playground. Below are a few favourites

Monday, 23 November 2009

Outdoor Photo Shoots, Autumn and Winter - Watford

Autumn is a great time to be taking photos outdoors. The weather might be colder but you get the lovely Autumn colours and children for the most part really don't notice the weather in the same way adults do ! Its a time I love to take children to the park for some natural outdoor photos. Photographs taken in Cassiobury Park, Watford, are a favourite of mine. The children can climb trees, play on the swings and run round in their woolly hats jumping in puddles. Here are a small selection of the sort of images you are likely to get if you decide to have an Autumn or Winter location photo shoot. Hope you like them.