Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Photos of Newborn Twins - Abbots Langley

I recently photographed some brand new 4-day old twins for a former Bride & Groom. Photos of newborn babies are best taken when they are less than 2 weeks old for those lovely sleepy curled up shots. The twins were fabulous models - a boy and a girl and only at the last minute would the little boy fall asleep like his sister so I could get a shot of them curled up together. Here a selection of them together and separately. I hope you like them. Congratulations to the proud parents.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

New Baby Pictures - Just for Mother's Day

I did a newborn session a few weeks ago for beautiful 1 week old baby Skye. She got pretty sleepy eventually but at the start was very keen to be a model even doing her best to lift up her head despite being so new and tiny! Here are a few of my favourites from the session - just for Mother's Day. Best wishes to all of you.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Children's Photographer Chorleywood

Catching up with the blog - so here are a few images of a lovely little boy taken a couple of days before his first Birthday. He was gorgeous and lots of fun - with the most beautiful huge brown eyes. Images like these can be taken in your own home where children are comfortable and have all their own things around them - that way the session is stress free for both you and the child.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Newborn Baby Photography Watford

I've been busy getting images finalised and making changes to my new website at the domain haven't been updating the blog much of date. A new blog is on its way but in the meantime I will be updating this one. My work these days is focusing more on children and babies. I'm particularly enjoying photography Newborn Babies. These images are all done in your own home so it is more relaxing for parents and babies. The following images are from a recent session with 4 month old twins - they were great fun ! Hope you enjoy the images.